


 We are pleased to announce that the15th Japan- Korea International Symposium on Advanced Display Materials and Devices (ADMD 2011) will be held in Kumamoto, Japan from June 30 to July 1, 2011, under the auspices of the Society of Polymer Science, Japan , the Korea Society of Industrial Engineering Chemistry and the Society for Information Display, Korea Chapter.
The Symposium will provide a good opportunity for the researchers working in the fields of display materials and devices to come together, present the state-of-the-art results and discuss them. It is hoped that the Symposium will facilitate exchange and scientific cooperation between Japan and Korea in the most innovative areas of materials science and technology. The format of the symposium will be based on a number of keynote talks of leading Japanese and Korean scientists. In addition, there will be the opportunity for other participants to present their latest results as posters.





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